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This page is geared towards professionals who are involved in the response to COVID-19 including: public health authorities, policy-makers, researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals.
RECOVER aims to have an impact on the clinical management of patients in primary care and hospital care and on public health measures to control SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
Preliminary research evidence collected from RECOVER’s studies will feed into recommending public health policies regarding COVID-19 outbreak response interventions. These research evidence will provide valuable supporting evidence for public health decision-makers.
Each policy recommendation provides an overview of the results, obtained at the earliest point where RECOVER studies can share preliminary findings, and their implications for public health interventions on tackling COVID-19.
Healthcare workers in EU hospital care settings during COVID-19
We are inviting European healthcare workers that currently provide hospital care (both COVID-19 related and non-COVID-19 related to participate in a 10-min online survey.
Under the Hospital Care Study of RECOVER, we aim to better understand the perceptions and wellbeing of European healthcare workers. The outcome will be shared with policy-makers and advisors in Europe, including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) EURO, to inform actions for protecting and supporting healthcare workers and preventing the spread of COVID-19.